Cultural Entrenchment
Cultural entrenchment focusses on turning DEIB change into sustainable transformation through embedding inclusion into the culture of an organisation. The elements of organisational engineering and people capacitation need to be incorporated to ensure lasting, meaningful, and sustainable change. It positions transformation as a long-term journey, not isolated events.
Cultural entrenchment requires an understanding of how we systemically make change stick, as well as how we, on intra- and interpersonal levels, enable long-term head, heart, and hand shifts. Embedding inclusion requires continuous reflections and action … about the team’s diversity dynamics, mindfulness about own mental models and biases, generative team conversation, education on and sensitising to relevant DEIB themes, the entrenching of new positive ways of engaging with others, the drafting of more inclusive policies as issues arise, and leaderships example of respecting each other. This way inclusion becomes a part of the everyday experience and interactions, decision-making processes, leadership styles, and organisational policies and practices.
TDCI can assist our clients to entrench inclusion through the following services: